Conexant SmartSCM

Chipset data:

Conexant Systems, Inc. formerly Rockwell Semiconductor Systems
Full hardware modem with SmartDAA
Linux support
Conexant ACF3 modems are supported by the Linux kernel and setserial.
The SCM device integrates modem controller, modem data pump, 256 kbytes ROM, 32 kbytes RAM, and SmartDAA interface onto a single die.
SmartSCM/56     = P2106-21 + 20463-11            [D/F/WW]
SmartSCM/56C    = P2106-21 + 20463-11 + 20437-11 [D/F/WW/cellular]

  20437-11     Voice Codec                               32-pin TQFP
  20463-11     Worldwide Line Side Device (Smart DAA)    32-pin TQFP
  P2106-21     Single Chip Modem, 56 kbps               128-pin TQFP
  P2106-22     Single Chip Modem, 33.6 kbps             128-pin TQFP
  P2106-23     Single Chip Modem, 14.4 kbps             128-pin TQFP
Conexant 20463-11 package
Rob Clark